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Recycling Challenge #1: Know Your Local Recycling Program

10/24/12 Pratt Industries

Local Recycling Programs | Pratt Industries Recycling DivisionLast week, as we kicked off our America Recycles Day series, we challenged our readers to get to know their local recycling program. There are a variety of recycling solutions that may be offered in your area. In order to recycle successfully, it’s important to familiarize yourself with your local recycling program. allows you to search for recycling solutions by zip code so you can find the most convenient recycling center for your recyclables.

Pratt Industries offers the following recycling programs:

  • School Recycling Programs: Waste disposal is a major expenditure for school districts. The Pratt Industries school paper recycling program lets schools divert nearly 75% of their waste stream from land fills with minimal effort. Learn more about how you can obtain a Pratt Industries’ Recycling Container here.
  • Community Recycling Programs: Raise money for your non-profit organization, school or place of worship, through Pratt’s community paper recycling program. We accept all clean paper in our community recycling program, including newspapers, magazines, catalogs, office papers, school papers, phone books and junk mail. Learn more about raising money through recycling here.
  • Residential Recycling Programs: 70% of recyclable materials produced by residents are paper and corrugated cardboard products. Through a dual-stream residential recycling program, you can keep those items separate, while also recycling plastic containers, and aluminum cans.  Single stream recycling programs and drop off options are also available. Learn more about Pratt Industries Residential Recycling Programs here.
  • Commercial & Industrial Recycling: Our vision for your business is simple: ZERO WASTE! Our team of specialists will visit your facility and conduct a waste assessment to determine the right solution for your business. Pratt will assist your company in developing and implementing a plan that will make recycling easy while promoting growth in employee participation. Learn how you can bring recycling to your business here.

In addition to the above programs, Pratt Industries will be participating in several America Recycles Day events, which will provide you the opportunity to discuss local recycling programs with a recycling expert! Details regarding these events are coming soon. More America Recycles Day events can be found at

Once you learn your local recycling pickup and drop site options, it is also important to know what items are recyclable in your area. Which brings us to our next challenge:

Challenge #2: Know Your Recyclables, Plastic

Americans buy an estimated 34.6 billion single-serving (1 liter or less) plastic water bottles each year. Almost eight out of ten end up in a landfill or incinerator. Learn how you can help divert plastic waste in our next post that explores the top ten reasons to recycle plastic bottles.
